CFP: Power and Democracy in Early America – May 10, 2019

The American Studies Area Group is co-sponsoring the upcoming conference:

CFP for the CUNY Early American Republic Seminar has been extended to February 1st, 2019. See website for more information.

Power and Democracy in Early America

May 10th, 2019

Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY

Keynote Speaker: Andrew Shankman, Rutgers University, Camden Author of Original Intents: Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison, and the American Founding and Co-Editor of the Journal of the Early Republic

CUNY EARS invites proposals for papers focusing on the period ranging between the colonial period and the end of the Civil War. Topics can include but are not limited to gender, material culture, religion, the Atlantic World, slavery, Native American history, politics, law, print culture, biography, immigration, urbanism, capitalism, and environmental history. We particularly welcome proposals that consider these topics from alternative disciplinary perspectives, including literature, political science, economics, legal studies, sexuality, urban studies, women, gender, and the digital humanities. Now in its fifth year, this conference has developed a proud tradition of hosting graduate students from across the world and of being on the scholarly cutting edge. The conference will be held at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.


The deadline for submissions is February 1, 2019. Please send an abstract (300 words) and a one-page CV as one document to [email protected]. Include your name in the title of the document. Also, please note in the abstract any AV requirements or special accommodations for your paper.

About Us

The CUNY Graduate Center’s Early American Republic Seminar (EARS) is a student-run organization focused on promoting and facilitating the study of early American history. Our primary mission is to provide a space for graduate students and early career scholars to present works in progress in a rigorous but collegial environment. EARS has also hosted a number of public talks by prominent historians. For a look at announcements or our upcoming schedule, visit

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